Happy New Year!
I pray each of you had a very Merry Christmas and spent some quality time with your loved ones. I also pray that you and your family are staying safe and healthy as these COVID-19 numbers begin to rise again. Leadership here at The Tab DC has been keeping a close eye on the data and trends in our area. With the high transmissibility of this new variant, we believe it is best to extend our virtual-only worship services for the foreseeable future. On Sunday mornings at 11:00 am, you can join us on The Tab DC Facebook page www.facebook.com/TheTabDC
We will also significantly limit the number of seats available for our N...
Season's Greetings!
I pray that you are having a blessed holiday season and remaining safe and healthy! During this holiday season, we want you to be able to spend a little more time with one of the greatest gifts God has given us here on Earth... our loved ones! Therefore, we will have our Home for the Holiday's Worship Experience for the next two Sundays! This is not a break from church, but this will allow each of us to worship virtually with our families in the comfort of our homes! Worship will be broadcast on The Tab DC Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/
As summer fades away, now is the perfect time to express gratitude through prayer for God's Grace, Mercy, Protection, Provisions, and Love. Join us Sunday Sep 5 thru Saturday, Sep 11, on our Power Prayer Line for noon-day prayer (with Special Sunday Prayer at 10:45am). Dial (605) 468-8000, Access Code 1085492#. Prayer Still Works!